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Welcome to Dream Co Creators

Create Magic Between Imagination And Meditation

If you believe in the limitless power of your imagination, but you don’t yet use it to navigate your life, Welcome. Your journey of creating magic in between your imagination and meditation is about to jump forward, with the free video below. Click play, sit back for just over 10 minutes and relax.

15 minutes to Connect To Your Inner Sanctuary, a safe place within

Beginning: Your Sacred Space

There is a magical place within you just waiting for you to discover it, explore and interact with it to bring valuable gifts and unique wisdom into your life. A wonderful client of mine called this place your Inner Sanctuary – and I invite you to connect with it Now by playing the video below. This experience will remind you of the light in your heart and give you a spring in your step.

This experience is my gift to you, because I want your heart to sing out its magnificent tune to the Universe. After you arrive in your Inner Sanctuary, the hearts of those around you will lift up in your presence. And so harmonious vibrations are created and spread, creating the world I want to live in: a world full of people whose hearts sing. All you need to do is press play on the video above, sit back, relax and follow my voice as I guide you.

Onward Journey

  • Do you love your Inner Sanctuary?
  • Would you love to explore it further?
  • Are there things in your life you know you hold the keys to, but haven’t let yourself see yet?

If you want to find out what magical gifts your imagination has in store, the MindWalk is for you. This guided meditation journey is 1:1, LIVE with me and as unique as you are.

You will connect to the very best kind of guidance and wisdom perfectly tailored for your life: wisdom that arises from deep within yourself.

MindWalk sessions begin with the powerful Connection you just created in the video above (do watch it), but the MindWalk is 10x stronger because we will explore your Inner Sanctuary together and receive messages your Highest Self has been trying to show you for months, years or even decades.

My role as Guide is to help you fully appreciate things in your MindWalk that you might otherwise have shied away from. We all have blind spots that hide the keys to our lives.

Your role is to trust that your Highest Self will lead the way on this magical, enchanting journey and to allow whatever comes up for you to be – just as it is.


“The shift of consciousness occurred with such Grace that I have never experienced before.”

SitaRam (yoga teacher and psychedelic guide) described what he felt about his MindWalk session it better than I ever could.

He held the session with kindness, ease and gentle support and in spite of some nervousness I had at being taken on a journey I soon settled in, relaxed and enjoyed it so much. It took me to such a supportive place inside of myself that I know I can go back to and it also gave me really helpful insight into my next step and into what I need to focus on right now.

Above all it created a feeling that I can keep accessing for inner strength and support.

It was a beautiful experience.

Thank you James Goodhew

Julia Chapman – MindWalk Participant

Wow wow wow! I had a fabulous session with James Goodhew. A truly enchanting visual adventure in my mind, connecting at another level within me, a landscape my soul knows. I discovered messages and lessons from beautiful guides, a horse & bird of prey … tapping into greater wisdom …, that is always available to us … powerful when guided in the right hands & fed back to us.

Thank you for what you offer James. I feel I will be feeling into this experience for some time. I can feel the yawns and shakes letting me know it’s a truly somatic experience … touching every cell in my body.

Lee Bradford – MindWalk Participant

Read more: Welcome to Dream Co Creators

Why Should I Listen To My Unconscious Mind?

Put simply: if you’re here, you are likely to have been following some of the great masters of the conscious mind – Tony Robbins, James Clear (Atomic Habits), Tim Feriss (The 4-Hour Work Week), Vishen Lakhiani (MindValley), Nathaniel Branden (Six Pillars of Self-Esteem) to name but a few. This journey leads you into one of two camps:

  1. You’ve taken all-important Massive Actions to the point of feeling out of balance, like something’s missing from your life even if you got to (or surpassed) where you thought you wanted to be in your life.
  2. You have seemingly well-defined goals for your life but you haven’t moved towards them as much as you wanted to in the last 12 months (or more) – for some reason you can’t quite put your finger on.

You may very well know where you *think* (consciously) you want to go next. However, what’s missing from the work of these masters, at least at entry level, is this: the Underlying Connection. They fail to connect the Goals their fans are setting for their lives with how those goals affect their Emotional State. Your Emotional State is guided by your innermost beliefs about yourself, others and the world. At Dream Co Creators, I call this underlying connection the Shadow Side of Goal Setting, because few people are shining light on it at the moment*.

Enter: Dream Co Creators.

I explore this Shadow Side of Goal Setting in the Dream Co Creators community, so that you can effortlessly move towards a life you truly want to live, every single day. This work seeks not only to understand Point B on your journey, i.e. your next step. First, for orientation, we must have a crystal clear understanding of Point A: your status quo, your innermost beliefs. These often don’t enter into conscious experience directly, but evidence of them is all around you in your thoughts, actions and environment. The words you use on a daily basis to describe your current situation offer a rough guide to Point A and, in the well-practiced student, Point B as well. However, those words are often guided by your unconscious programming which is made up of beliefs you created up until you were around 5-7 years old. This is where the magic happens in Dream Co Creators sessions: tapping into that domain of deeply buried beliefs and having the opportunity to choose again.

If you are wondering how exactly your unconscious programming leads to the outcomes you see in your life today – look no further and book your MindWalk session right now. In these sessions, you will receive wisdom your Highest Self has been trying to tell you, and so effortlessly transform your unconscious programming, effortlessly returning to your natural state of inner and outer calm.

* Brian Mayne addressed this to a degree with his Goal Mapping, which creates images of your overall goal and each step to get there. We know that memory is largely image-based, since images are the most efficient way to store information (we’ve all heard the quote “a picture speaks a thousand words”). It’s images that our unconscious mind uses to run programs like walking, driving, writing, washing dishes and so on. However, although Brian Mayne addresses this by creating an image version of your goal map alongside the word version, he does not address the current image your unconscious is using to run your life.