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Welcome to Dream Co Creators

Create Magic Between Imagination And Meditation

If you believe in the limitless power of your imagination, but you don’t yet use it to navigate your life, Welcome. Your journey of creating magic in between your imagination and meditation is about to jump forward, with the free video below. Click play, sit back for just over 10 minutes and relax.

Beginning: Your Inner Sanctuary

There is a magical place within you just waiting for you to discover it, explore and interact with it to bring valuable gifts and unique wisdom into your life. A wonderful client of mine called this place your Inner Sanctuary – and I invite you to connect with it Now by playing the video below. This experience will remind you of the light in your heart and give you a spring in your step.

This experience is my gift to you, because I want your heart to sing out its magnificent tune to the Universe. After you arrive in your Inner Sanctuary, the hearts of those around you will lift up in your presence. And so harmonious vibrations are created and spread, creating the world I want to live in: a world full of people whose hearts sing. All you need to do is press play below, sit back, relax and follow my voice as I guide you.

Onward Journey

  • Do you love your Inner Sanctuary?
  • Would you love to explore it further?
  • Are there things in your life you know you hold the keys to, but haven’t let yourself see yet?

If you want to find out what magical gifts your imagination has in store for you, the MindWalk is for you. This guided meditation journey is 1:1, LIVE with me and as unique to you as can possibly be.

You will connect to the very best kind of guidance and wisdom perfectly tailored for your life: wisdom that comes out from deep within yourself.

It takes a similar form as the Connection you already did, but the MindWalk is 10x stronger because we will explore your Inner Sanctuary together.

My role as Guide is to help you fully appreciate things you might otherwise have shied away from. We all have blind spots that hide the keys to our lives.

Your role is to lead the way on this magical, enchanting journey and to allow whatever comes up for you to be – just as it is.

The Journey In Testimonials

My fabulous client SitaRam (yoga teacher and psychedelic guide) said it better than I ever could, “The shift of consciousness occurred with such Grace that I have never experienced before.”

Old Info

Join us for an Enchanting Visual Adventure session from the comfort of your own home. You’ll effortlessly connect with your very own inner world through our Inverse Guided Visualisation process. Immediately you will enter a state of profound peace, the perfect state to gain crystal clarity for living your dream life.

Allow the realms of infinite possibility to open up for you and book your LIVE taster session now (not pre-recorded, full price £111 per month, one-off taster costs £55 and YES there’s a gift voucher option!).

As a bonus, you’ll also heal anything that’s safe for you and ready to be healed along the way.

We Are:

  • A community of: personal development fans
  • Who: know there’s more to life than conscious thinking (a LOT more)
  • And Want To: experience the magic of what lies beneath the surface world, transforming as we go

What Do We Do?

When we feel uncertain about something in our lives, we join a Dream Co Creators Enchanting Visual Adventure session. There, you will experience a structured Inverse Guided Visualisation Journey to effortlessly access your inner wisdom. This is unlike any guided visualisation you will ever have experienced before because at Dream Co Creators, YOU are the guide!

As Lead Facilitator on these Explorations, my intention is for you to find out what your unconscious mind wants to show you that will help you most right now, that you weren’t consciously aware of before. Sessions are facilitated with open questioning rooted in genuine curiousity, rather than suggesting a direction that a facilitator might think is good for you. So, at Dream Co Creators, you get to access your very own most powerful soul-aligned next step, drawn out from deep within you (and nobody else!).

* included in our Membership Package, or £55 to try

There is often an exchange or interaction with one or many beings in your Image World, who give you nuggets of wisdom and gifts that mean something to you in the real world when you come back. Your Image World is a metaphysical representation of the world you consciously inhabit, made safe by your unconscious mind who will only show you that which is safe for you to access right now.

Our Exploration is an enchanting journey through parts of our Unconscious World, enriched by seemingly magical encounters with beings we didn’t consciously know were offering guidance on our path. We’ve all heard the expression “a picture tells a thousand words” and it is now widely believed that we use images to store information about life as we believe it to be. We use these images to run programs automatically that require minimal conscious effort. These are the repeated patterns that seem to show up in our lives over and over again. A practical example is when we drive long distances and suddenly realise we’ve arrived. These images form together into a place of inner Sanctuary, which we can effortlessly explore at our leisure any time we wish to receive our own internal wisdom.

Our unique process allows us not only to receptively access our Unconscious World and all its wisdom, but also to actively engage with it, asking questions, offering gratitude and even transforming limiting beliefs with new choices that will serve us better in the present moment, now.

Guiding Principles


Find your Inner Peace

Let it hold your hand


Access your Inner Wisdom

With Effortless Ease


Your Inner Wisdom shows

What’s safe for you now


You will feel completely relaxed during the whole session, exploring your unconscious world from the comfort and safety of your own home. We will relax and align your mind, body, emotions and soul before we begin.

Effortless Ease

Turn up, listen to our unique set of prompts, share briefly with the group if you like (it helps to crystallise your understanding, but you will know whether you want to share something or not – either is fine).


How do we guarantee your safety through this process?

  • Open Questions: at Dream Co Creators we firmly believe that your Inner Wisdom is exactly that: YOURS. None of our ideas or inputs can come close to the value for your life that you hold within yourself, so we do not impose any of our ideas into your unconscious world.
  • Respect: Many guided visualisation sessions impose external ideas of beauty, or what is safe or natural, or good or bad. At Dream Co Creators we have been trained to allow what is there to be expressed in wholeness, appreciated, and the choice is entirely yours whether you choose to keep it or gently thank it and let it go.
  • Trust In You: this respect gives your unconscious the freedom to uncover only what is safe for you. Your unconscious mind will put up barriers to uncovering anything that is not safe for you to see in the moment. This is absolutely fine, because it tells you that something else must be resolved or released or worked with first, in order to maintain safety. Occasionally, a client feels ready in spite of the barrier, and we might try a “Walking Through Walls” type exercise to expose the underlying truth that’s been holding them back.

How Is This Different Than Hypnotherapy, Coaching or Therapy?

Whenever we receive action steps out of these Explorations, they emerge from somewhere deep within us individually, for our own lives – it’s not a suggestion from anyone else, friend, relative, coach or therapist. By this virtue, we know with total confidence that it’s our next soul-aligned step and thus feel strongly compelled to take that action.

Hypnotherapy: A Contrast

Hypnotherapists often have an agenda. For example to clear out a belief that no longer serves you, they might guide you to visualise the hottest fire that exists and ask you to throw that belief in so that it burns and transforms. Logically, this seems to work: the fire element in Eastern philosophies is all about transformation and that is what we see in the material world. However, the fire element is not necessarily what YOU need to shift that belief for YOU. Only Your Unconscious Mind can truly know what it needs in order to transform YOUR limiting beliefs. That’s precisely why we only ever guide the initial moment of a visualisation – the rest emerges from within you.

Hypnotherapists also often have very strong belief in their processes, so they may push you to open a closed door even if you don’t feel ready. Likely, that door was closed for safety by your unconscious and if you feel within yourself that you are not ready to open it, you definitely should not open it in that moment – but maybe in a future session something will have shifted and it will be safe then. Even worse, they may ask you to make a transformative leap that you are not yet ready or safe to complete, without giving you adequate possibility to say no. At Dream Co Creators, we invite interactions with anything of interest to you – a closed door might pique your interest so we would go with it. Our process might look like this: an invitation to walk up to it, then stop. Notice how you feel emotionally. Check through all of your senses and find out what your body tells you about this door. Take a deep breath and smile. Now, having felt those emotions, noticed what your senses tell you about your surroundings, breathed, smiled and given thanks for this experience, is there anything you’d like to say to the door, or anything the door would like to say to you? (Pause.) Do you feel you want to open that door, or is there something else to do now? Some people of course simply walk up and open the door – in that case it is likely safe to do so and we proceed from there. But safety is paramount to Dream Co Creators’ guiding principles, so we will always check in and never ever push you. If we feel an urge to push you, we might let you know that this is difficult for us, there is something coming up within us as facilitator, and we are surrendering it so that you get what you need from the experience – we’re not doing it for us, we’re doing it for you.

Coaching: A Contrast

Coaches mostly tend to work in the conscious world, using tools honed by masters like Tim Feriss or James Clear. Our work includes the Shadow Side of Goal Setting – the connection between the goal you set and your deepest limiting beliefs about yourself, others and the world. We access those beliefs through a metaphorical image, stored deep in your unconscious, of your own creation. Dream Co Creators facilitators will never offer suggestions of what should come up for you, or say that you are wrong. Everything you see in this experience has been offered up by your own unconscious mind, and that is infinitely valuable to you personally – even if it’s not valuable for anyone else in the world.

Therapy: A Contrast

Therapy tends to be a conscious conversation relating to the event that happened in the real world. Traumatic events that form limiting beliefs are often scary to revisit, and can trigger stress responses from the amygdala in the brain. As soon as these stress responses are initiated, the ability of the brain to make reasonable decisions is severely diminished. As far as I know, there is no known way to access a traumatic experience in the conscious mind, without triggering a stress response – so the process of therapy troubles me. It can be useful to verbalise something so it can be spoken out of you, but space must be created then for something new to emergy. This step is often missing in therapy, where clients are invited to talk for the whole session. At Dream Co Creators, a metaphoric representation of the outcome of the traumatic event is all we experience. This represenation was created by your unconscious mind, and it will only show you what it is safe for you to experience in this moment. That safety is truly a felt sense, meaning your amygdala remains firmly switched off throughout our process. You are able to process and make decisions with ease, transforming your life for the better as we go.

Why Should I Listen To My Unconscious Mind?

Put simply: if you’re here, you are likely to have been following some of the great masters of the conscious mind – Tony Robbins, James Clear (Atomic Habits), Tim Feriss (The 4-Hour Work Week), Vishen Lakhiani (MindValley), Nathaniel Branden (Six Pillars of Self-Esteem) to name but a few. This journey has led our members to one of two camps:

  1. You’ve taken all-important Massive Actions to the point of feeling out of balance, like something’s missing from your life even if you got to (or surpassed) where you thought you wanted to be in your life.
  2. You have seemingly well-defined goals for your life but you haven’t moved towards them as much as you wanted to in the last 12 months (or more) – for some reason you can’t quite put your finger on.

You may very well know where you *think* (consciously) you want to go next. However, what’s missing from the work of these masters, at least at entry level, is this:

The Underlying Connection between a) the Goals their fans are setting for their lives, and b) how those goals affect their Emotional State. Your Emotional State is guided by your innermost beliefs about yourself, others and the world. At Dream Co Creators, we call this underlying connection the Shadow Side of Goal Setting, because few people are shining light on it at the moment*.

Enter: Dream Co Creators.

We explore this Shadow Side of Goal Setting in our community, so that you can effortlessly move towards a life you truly want to live, every single day. Our work seeks not only to understand Point B on your journey, i.e. your next step. First, for orientation, we must have a crystal clear understanding of Point A: your status quo, your innermost beliefs. These often don’t enter into conscious experience directly, but evidence of them is all around you in your thoughts, actions and environment. The words you use on a daily basis to describe your current situation offer a rough guide to Point A and, in the well-practiced student, Point B as well. However, those words are often guided by your unconscious programming which is made up of beliefs you created up until you were around 5-7 years old. Tapping into that domain of deeply buried beliefs and having the opportunity to choose again is where the magic happens in Dream Co Creators sessions.

If you are wondering how exactly your unconscious programming leads to the outcomes you see in your life today – look no further and book in right now to one of our Unconscious Mind Connection group sessions. In these sessions, we receive wisdom from other parts of our being and so effortlessly transform our unconscious programming to effortlessly return to our natural state of inner and outer calm.

Where do I start?

We all want you to know exactly what your unconscious mind looks like in this moment, because we have seen ours and we have seen the power it gives us to live in peace and serenity, knowing full well that the steps we are taking are aligned with the lives we truly want to live.

You can even go VIP and download an audio so you can repeat the process whenever you like! This is useful because in every moment, your unconscious is accessing a slightly different part of its programming, which is represented by a different image or story.

There are so many beautiful guided visualisations out there, which carry us beyond our current reality and into bliss beyond normal imagination. However, these often fail to bridge the gap from where you are now, to where the facilitator wants you to end up.

A safe, easy way for you to Connect to your Inner Wisdom, so you can effortlessly update your unconcsious programming from the safety of your own home – without being pushed beyond what’s safe for you to experience right now. 

This process is designed specifically to align your conscious mind and unconscious mind.

Our 3 guiding principles are:

  1. My heart and mind are open to new possibilities
  2. The best answers to my problems are within me
  3. Where my focus goes, my energy flows

When you apply them in our proprietary Meditation Journeys, which is completely unique and bespoke to you, you will effortlessly receive wisdom from your Highest Self.  You will instantly know what to do, to breathe life into your dreams and move towards your dream life.

Book Now to Connect to Your Sacred Space, the Home of Your Inner Wisdom

Why do I need Dream Co Creators to access my own Inner Wisdom?

Our Highest Self tries to communicate Inner Wisdom to us every day through experiences in the real world.  We don’t always receive those messages clearly, because:

  1. The real world has constraints
  2. We form unconscious beliefs about ourselves during childhood, some of which we carry with us our whole lives
  3. We have past experiences, which shape our reactions to events which happen now

Dream Co Creators has developed a proven system to allow your Highest Self to speak to you freely, through our very own guided Meditation Journey sessions – read on to find out more!


Dream Co Creators offer a unique Meditation Journey, which alleviates the constraints of the real world and relieves us of our unconscious baggage in one effortless move.  

During this meditation, we connect you to your Sacred Space, where your Highest Self conjures up enchanting visuals to direct you to exactly what you need most in that moment.  On this journey, you receive direct communication from your Inner Wisdom, without any of the hindrances of the real world.  

The best part is, when you return from this journey, it all makes perfect sense to you – you know exactly what to do to move from where you are now towards your dream life!  

* Brian Mayne addressed this to a degree with his Goal Mapping, which creates images of your overall goal and each step to get there. We know that memory is largely image-based, since images are the most efficient way to store information (we’ve all heard the quote “a picture speaks a thousand words”). It’s images that our unconscious mind uses to run programs like walking, driving, writing, washing dishes and so on. However, although Brian Mayne addresses this by creating an image version of your goal map alongside the word version, he does not address the current image your unconscious is using to run your life.